Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Recently, my head was full of many confusing questions regarding to my life and my future. I`ve been asking myself many questions, what I want for my life, what I need for preparing my future, and what kind of job I really need. Last year I didn’t think too much about money. I just wanted to do what I like at that time. Now at this moment, a fact has come to me, that I need money and certain life support. Yes, I can`t deny that I need more money as my current salary couldn’t be an enough incoming anymore.
My life. I sometimes lose my way of life. I don’t understand what to do for my life. I dream to be a great lady, do many good things, and to write a lot of bestseller book that comes to a pride for me and my family. That`s what I want, then I found that it`s not as easy as what I thought. It`s not easy to be a great lady when life`s so complicated, and writing requires me to be a highdedicated person. I haven’t reached that stage. I`m still busy for facing variety of situation, problems, and facts, spending many times and energy to survive from these problems. I won`t ever know what`s gonna happen tomorrow, or even tonight right before I go to bed.
My future seems so unclear when I found many uncertain things here in front of my face. It`s not as simple as what I imagined to find a great job. I need a job I like with the beneficial salary. Sounds perfect, right? Sounds I don’t know how to be a thankful person, do I? This is the truth that`s happening to my life now. I must move on soon or a “disaster” will occur in my mind and my psychological battle.

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